Cat Vaccinations
Cat Vaccinations : Details That You Cannot Miss - Have a look at them
19 December 2023
Cat Vaccinations are extremely important as they help your cat to fight diseases like Crippling and fatal feline.
Cat Vaccinations
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Yes, it is important and can be beneficial for longevity of your cat. They are beneficial to prevent them from diseases.
Are Cat Vaccinations Important?
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Generally only rabies vaccine is required by law rather than that other are required for the safety of your kitten.
Are Cat Vaccines Compulsory By Law?
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1) FVRCP - fights against viruses like rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia. 2) Rabies 3) Feline Leukemia
What Are The Common Cat Vaccines?
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For an general housecat following vaccines are required. 6-10 weeks old - FVRCP 11-14 weeks- FVRCP, FeLV
What Schedules Are Generally Preferable?
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15+ weeks - FVRCP, FeLV and Rabies vaccine. For adult cat vaccines are provided after one year of this above vaccines.
Vaccine Schedule
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