Home Remedies For Under Eye Pigmentation : For Skin Treatment
26 December 2023
With age you might notice some dark spots under your eyes. There can be various reasons for it like dehydration, improper sleep and even hyperpigmentation.
Under Eye Pigmentation
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Pigmentation is developed due to melanin production which leaves skin discoloration. Sun light might also cause such dark spots.
Under Eye Pigmentation
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The anti bacterial and antifungal properties of ACV helps to remove dark spots. Melanin production can be reduced with help of malic acid present in ACV.
Apple Cider Vinegar
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Mulethi is helpful in reducing wrinkles and fine lines with the help of it's anti microbial, anti inflammatory properties.
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Inflammation can be reduced by placing green tea bags under eyes. Pigmentation can be reduced with the help of falvonoid present in it.
Green Tea Bags
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Enzymes and Vitamin C present in potatoes has the ability to make your skin tone even and exfoliate dead skin cells. Also provides nourishment to your skin.
Potato Slices
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In the web-story mentioned below have a look at if You require an multivitamin or not with guide.