Remove Spectacles 

"Vision Quest: Naturally Say Goodbye to Spectacles! Check full story 21 December 2023

We will be exploring natural ways and methods which can improve your eyesight and reduce the dependency on spectacles.


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Include Eyes exercise daily in your routine like focusing on near and far object to to strengthen eye muscles.

Eyes exercise

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Try eating various eye friendly nutrition food like carrots and leafy green vegetables which can support your eye health.

Carrots and leafy greens

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Take break in between from excessive screen exposure to reduce eye fatigue and minimize strain caused by screen time.

Take break

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Drinking adequate water throughout the day can also prevent your eyes from drying out and will support your eye moisture.


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Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses that can safeguard your eyes from sunlight.


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Check out our full blogs on Health Issues and Chronic Fatigue Illness by clicking the link below.

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