What’s Your Gut Type? And How Does It Impact Your Health?

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If someone asks for your blood type, you probably have an answer ready for them. But did you know you also have a gut type? Your gut type plays a huge role in your overall health. 

Depending on which type you have, you may be prone to different cravings, symptoms, and even emotional responses.

 Identifying your gut type can help you make effective, healthy lifestyle changes!

What's Your Gut Type? And How Does It Impact Your Health? | Quit Chronic Fatigue

Defining Each Gut Type

Most people have one of five common gut types. Your gut type is largely determined by your lifestyle. 

Each gut type lends itself to certain behaviors and moods, and requires a different approach to improve! Let’s dive in and explore each gut type. 

1. Candida Gut 

Candida gut is characterized by an overgrowth of yeast in your digestive tract. It may be caused by eating too much dairy, wheat, and sugar. 

You’re also more likely to have this gut type if you take birth control pills. 

This gut type can manifest as a white coating on your tongue, weight gain, and phlegmy coughs or sniffles.

 Common emotional states associated with this gut type are feelings of worry, anxiety, and obsession. Candida gut also tends to lead to more cravings for sweet foods like ice cream and cookies.

 How can you heal candida gut? Add more stews, soups, and warm starchy vegetables to your diet. You can also take probiotic supplements or eat fermented foods. 

Steer clear of food groups like dairy and refined grains, as well as sugar and yeast.

2. Gastric Gut 

Gastric gut is often the result of overworking and overexerting yourself, especially if you have a naturally slower digestive system. 

People who are constantly on the go are more likely to overeat and not chew properly. This can cause more issues, like bloating, gas, and acid reflux.

 Common emotional states associated with this gut type are passion, reactivity, and a fiery temper. You might constantly inhale larger-than-necessary amounts of food.

 How can you heal your gastric gut? Break your meals down into several meals with smaller portions. Don’t eat until you’re full. 

Add bitter veggies, citrus, and more herbs to your diet. Supplement your system with digestive enzymes. Steer clear of alcohol and caffeine, as well as fried or spicy foods.

3. Stressed Gut 

Stressed gut is another possible gut type if you spend a little too much time working. It comes about if you are constantly under stress. 

Stress hormones redirect blood flow away from your gut, stifling your digestive processes. A stressed gut is also associated with adrenal fatigue. This means you’re more likely to experience sleep issues, difficulty focusing, and a lower libido.

 Common emotional states associated with this gut type are stress and obsession. This is a common gut type for people who are Type-A workaholics. With that territory comes a tendency for indulging in too much coffee or alcohol.

 How can you heal a stressed gut? 

Shake up your diet by adding some extra animal protein and more dark-colored, salty foods. You can take B vitamin supplements and adaptogens. Try to reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and refined grains.

4. Immune Gut 

Immune gut is often associated with food sensitivities, especially dairy and gluten. If you have an immune gut, you likely have a combination of different allergies and intolerances. 

This gut type is typically caused by a lengthy history of antibiotic use, birth control pills, and steroids.

 Common emotional states associated with this gut type are insecurity, perfectionism, and detail orientation. People with an immune gut are also more likely to take antibiotics whenever they feel sick.

 How can you heal your immune gut? 

Identify your exact sensitivities by using a food journal in tandem with an elimination diet. Add bone broth and healthy fats to your daily meal plan. Try to avoid dairy products, alcohol, and raw foods.

5. Toxic Gut

Toxic gut is the most dangerous gut type. If your diet is high in sugar, fat, and other chemicals that cause an inflammatory chain reaction in the body, you may have a toxic gut. This can result in all kinds of dangerous symptoms, from rosacea to neurological distress.

Common emotional states associated with this gut type are quickness to anger, frustration, and impatience. You’re more likely to binge on processed fast foods with a toxic gut.

 How can you heal a toxic gut? Changing your diet is essential. Pack your meals with raw, green foods. Try drinking milk thistle or dandelion teas. 

Getting more sleep and practicing meditation can also help. You want to avoid alcohol, non-organic produce and dairy, as well as fried or oily foods.

How to Improve Your Gut Type & Gut Health

Whichever gut type you have, these tips will help you keep your digestive system healthy. 

Reduce Your Stress

When you struggle with chronic high-level stress, your whole body feels it – especially your gut. Keeping your stress levels under control will help your overall well-being just as much as your digestion. 

Here are some ideas for stress-relieving activities:

  • Practice meditation
  • Go for a walk
  • Get a massage
  • Spend time with your loved ones
  • Diffuse essential oils (here are some of our faves to help improve gut health!)
  • Cut down on caffeine and alcohol
  • Play with your pet

Improve Your Sleep

Getting too little or low-quality sleep messes with your gut more than you might expect. It creates a dangerous cycle. 

Poor sleep contributes to poor gut health which in turn contributes to new sleep issues. 

Make an effort to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. 

Eat More Slowly

Take time with your meals and make sure that you are thoroughly chewing each bite. This promotes better digestion and more effective nutrient absorption. 

Eating slowly can help you keep your gut healthy and reduce digestive distress. 

Drink Plenty of Water

Stay hydrated! 

Drinking lots of water helps make digestion easier. It also promotes a healthy balance of good bacteria in your gut. 

No matter what gut type you have, upping your water intake will improve your gut health.

Take a Prebiotic or Probiotic

Prebiotic and probiotic supplements can be a great addition to your gut health regime. 

Prebiotics feed the good bacteria living in your gut. Probiotics give you a new influx of living good bacteria.

Identify Food Intolerances

If you commonly experience symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, you might have a food intolerance. Symptoms include cramping, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, fatigue, and acid reflux. 

You may have already started to recognize that certain foods don’t leave you feeling great. Try eliminating those foods, or other common trigger foods. 

When you know which foods contribute to your symptoms, you can change your eating habits. 

Change Your Diet Up

Speaking of changing your eating habits, your diet obviously plays a key role in determining gut health. 

Eating high-sugar, high-fat, and processed foods does not contribute to a healthy gut type. 

Try adding more plant-based foods and lean protein to your meals instead. High-fiber diets have also been found to improve gut health!

 Your gut type indicates what kind of lifestyle you lead. It also shows you a path to better health. 

When you know your gut type, you can identify dietary and lifestyle changes that will be effective for you. Improve your gut health to improve your overall health!

What's Your Gut Type? And How Does It Impact Your Health? | Quit Chronic Fatigue

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